My Mentors

Everybody Learns Their Tricks From Somebody

Check out some of the products put out by my mentors (and friends) who are titans of the real estate world!

Special Ends Monday Night!!

Sick of dealing w/ banks? No Problem. 

The Legal Wiz guide to buying properties SUBJECT TO!

Generate instant cash flow with little or no money invested without owning a house!

Get That Property Out of Your Name!  Use Land Trusts for Privacy & Protection!

How to protect yourself from the Litigation Explosion!

No Cash, No Credit, No Problem!

Learn how to generate monthly income, massive equity and long-term wealth buying up quality rental properties.

If you have cash, a line of credit, a 401k or IRA, or access to large amounts of cash, you could be making SUBSTANTIAL passive returns by lending money to other real estate investors at high rates of interest